8 Bits - Part 1

8 bits of information that can help you be successful in this fast-paced tech world we find ourselves in. Format, idea, and presentation shamelessly ripped off from Tom Sachs. If you haven't, check out 10 Bullets . Seriously. 0001: Respect The One Image Credit: Jack Keaton The One is singular, focused, determined. The One should not be disturbed when accomplishing their mission. The One creates the space it needs in order to achieve their goal. The One is sometimes predictable, but can also occur spontaneously. It is important to understand the signs of being The One, and seeing The One in others. What The One looks like in real life: Image Credit: Alper Çuğun Image Credit: Vandenberg AFB Image Credit: Vnik (ShutterStock) What The One looks like online: Image Credit: Google Image Credit: Apple Image Credit: Microsoft Respect The One in others by giving them sp...