White Tail Rye

A hopped-up Rye Pale Ale.  Plenty of citrus notes from the Cascades, and complex earthy flavors from the Rye.  Good refreshing finish, leaving the mouth wanting more.



  • 9.0 lb American 2-row 
  • 1.0 lb Vienna 
  • 1.5 lb Organic Rye

  • 2.0 oz Whole Centennial
  • 2.0 oz Whole Cascades
  • 2.0 oz Pellet Cascades
  • Wyeast 1056 American Ale


I use a 9 gallon kettle with 2 ports for the thermometer and spigot

The Mash
  • Dough in @ 100F to 5 gal water for 30 minutes
  • Heat to 140F for 30 minutes
  • Heat to 158F for 30 minutes
Sparge with 1.5 Gallons 170F water
The Boil
  • 00:00 add 1.0 oz Whole Centennial
  • 00:30 add 1.0 oz Whole Centennial
  • 00:55 add 1.0 oz Whole Cascades
  • 00:60 flame out - add 1.0 oz Whole Cascades 


O.G.: 1.048-1.052 F.G.: 1.010-1.012

Primary (4-7 days)

  • Pitch yeast - after krausen subsides transfer to secondary
Secondary (4-7 days)
  • Add 2oz pellet cascades


  • Use 5 oz (3/4c) table sugar dissolved in 1.5 cups water and transfer to bottling aparatus.

Brewer's notes:  This is my first "whole cloth" recipe.  Went to the LHBS, and just filled my grain bill and hops bill with what "felt right" for a rye pale ale.  It turned out FANTASTIC.  This is definetely worth doing again.  The table sugar is not usually a preferred method, but I liked the crispness it provided.


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