An Idea for a Restaurant...

So, it has come up on more than one occasion (actually every time I make them) that I should attempt to open a restaurant to sell these ribs of insanity. I'm not bragging, just presenting facts. Aside from not having a business plan, a menu, a location, or funds, I'm toying with the idea of trying to do this. Of course, we've been trying to name the restaurant. Big surprise. So, what should we name it? Here's some names (and attributions where I can remember who said what)
  • (Max Johnson) Uncle Tony's Famous Ribs
  • (Joe Guertin) Antoine's
  • (Me) RIIIBS
  • Tony's Famous Original BBQ Ribs, Chicken and Steak
  • Tony's Ribs (Not to be confused with Tony Roma's)
  • (Dave Johnson) Motor City Ribs - with some sort of rat-fink-esque logo with ribs for exhaust pipes on the motor.
  • (Joanna Markel) Tree City Ribs - after our town - Ann Arbor
  • (Caity Markel) Daddy's Rib Restaurant
  • (Me) Om Nom Ribs and MOAR!
Let me know what you think! tonymarkel (at) gmail (dot) com


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