Black Jackrabbit Cascadian Dark Ale

This recipe is for a big, dark, citrusy ale with plenty of hop. Similar to an hopped-up India Pale Ale in flavor, but dark in color due to the use of Carafa III malt. I first brewed this with a double decoction mash technique. This is a technique I plan to keep, as it develops deep chocolate and caramel flavors which offset the dry hop and citrus notes nicely.

About the Black Jackrabbit: The Black Jackrabbit (Lepus Insularis) is a native of Mexico and more specifically, Espiritu Santo Island. Black jackrabbits have a black head and body, with highlights of white and grey along the belly and tail.

This recipe makes 5 Gallons.

Predicted Characteristics:
  • OG: 1.073-1.068
  • FG: 1.010-1.012
  • ABV: 7.6%
The Ingredients
Grain Bill
  • 13lbs American Pale Ale Two-Row Malt (~3L)
  • 1lb Caramel/Crystal Malt (~10L)
  • .75lbs Carafa III Malt (~475L)
  • 3 oz Centennial Hops
  • 2 oz Cascade Hops
  • 1 oz Sweet Orange Peel
  • Wyeast Northwest Ale Yeast (1332)
The Mash
This is a triple decoction mash. I'm using a 5 Gallon Igloo Cooler with a false bottom and stainless fittings. Get it here.
  • Dough-In - Add grains to 3.5 Gallons of water @120F ( stir until all the grains are soaked, and the temp will drop to 105F)
  • Acid Rest - let sit for 15min
  • First Decoction - Take out 3.5 qt of the thickest part of the mash, bring to 158F for 10 minutes, boil for 5 minutes, add back in slowly until the temperature reaches 122F If you have leftover, use it to keep the mash @ temp by adding it back in when the temp goes below 120F
  • Protein Rest - let sit for 10 minutes
  • Second Decoction - Take out 7qt of the thickest part of the mash, bring to 158F for 10 minutes, boil for 5-10 minutes, add back in until temperature reaches 158F
  • Dextrinization Rest - let sit for 20 minutes
  • Third Decoction - Take out 5.5 qt of the thickest part of the mash boil for 5-10 minutes - add back in until the mash reaches 170F
  • Mash Out - when the temperature reaches 170F, and all the grain has been added, drain into the brew kettle.
  • Sparge - Rinse the grains with 3 Gallons of 170F water and drain directly into the brew kettle. Take your time with this.
The Boil
Wait until the wort comes to a boil, start the clock. Add the hops and adjuncts in the following order:
  • 0:00:00 - 0:45:00 1.25 Oz Centenial hops
  • 0:45:00 - 0:70:00 1.25 Oz Centenial hops
  • 0:70:00 - 0:85:00 1.00 Oz Sweet Orange Peel
  • 0:85:00 - 0:90:00 0.50 Oz Centenial hops
Primary Fermentation
Chill wort to 75F and place in primary fermentation. Pitch Yeast. Allow to ferment for 7-10 days. A blow off hose is recommended.

Secondary Fermentation
Rack to secondary for 10-14 Days

Dry Hop
Add 2 Oz Cascades Dry hop after 7-10 days in secondary. When fermentation has stopped, and the gravity has remained the same for two consecutive days, add some priming sugar, bottle and enjoy!


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